Scheme announcement
The review of the scheme has now concluded resulting in the proposals evolving and the scheme is now actively being promoted. Work is ongoing to prepare updated information to hold a Stage 2 consultation which will be shared on this website once details of the consultation are confirmed.
Scheme announcement
Following the initial Stage 1 consultation held in summer 2022, work has continued to refine and progress the OxSRFI proposals, including the highways and transport elements of the scheme. However, as of April 2023 the Applicant has decided that it is right to pause the wider work on the project to allow for a thorough review to take place. The reasons for this are that the scale and complexity of the emerging highways infrastructure works and associated transport measures are significant, in large part due to attempts to resolve existing transport challenges and problems in addition to mitigating its own impacts. As a result, careful reflection is required before the scheme will be progressed to statutory consultation and examination.
Once the review has concluded the Applicant will update this website, and update key consultee bodies, including with regard to the timescale for the next stages of the application preparation process.
Summary Consultation Report
August 2022
Our team has reviewed the consultation feedback and a documents which summarises the key themes and issues raised during the consultation is now on the website.
Stage 1 Consultation
Starts 9th May until 4th July 2022. See Contact page to make comments.