Community Engagement

The Stage One (non-statutory) consultation process for OxSRFI was held from 9th May until 4th July 2022.

Before the proposals are finalised and in advance of any application being ready for submission, a second, statutory stage of consultation will be held.  The timing of this is currently unconfirmed, but once known details will be shared on this website.

A copy of the exhibition boards displayed at the exhibitions, and the webinar presentation, is still available below for information.

Thank you to all those that submitted their feedback and attended our webinars and consultation events. Below is a summary of the key issues and themes raised in the responses we received, including those provided at the five community exhibitions (response forms) as well as other written responses provided from a range of consultees, including via the project website. 

The Applicant’s team has been considering the comments and issues raised as part of the ongoing Environmental Statement (ES) and other assessment work which is informing the continuing process of refining the emerging development proposals.