
Given its strategic importance, the proposals meet the criteria to be considered a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP). As such, the proposals require an application for a Development Consent Order (DCO) which would be submitted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate who will process the application. The Secretary of State for Transport would then consider the Inspector’s recommendation and determine the application. More details about the process are set out on The Process page of this website.
An Environmental Statement ES is being prepared. The chapters are at varying stages of preparation and do not yet represent a full environmental assessment of the scheme. The draft application documents which formed part of the Stage 1 Consultation Proposal are available via the Documents page of this website.
Following the Stage 1 Consultation, a scheme review was undertaken and as a result of that exercise, and comments received during the consultation, the proposals have evolved. Work is ongoing to prepare updated information to hold a Stage 2 Consultation in the Summer of 2025 with the submission of the DCO following before the end of 2025. A Programme Document which summarises the timings of key steps to be taken during the Pre-application stage of the OxSRFI project is available to view here.
If you have any questions, please take a look at the Frequently Asked Questions provided on this website. Alternatively, see the Contact page for ways to get in touch now.
To obtain further details about the NSIP process, and to register for updates from the Planning Inspectorate as the scheme and application moves through the various stages of the process, you can find information on the National Infrastructure Planning website here.